Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Boychik on the Radio - Two Podcasts!

John Seeley (guy with the grin) hosts the "Write On!" show on BigMediaUSA. In Episode 10 Segment 2, taped on January 24, he and Gerald discuss My Inflatable Friend as an example of the boychik lit genre. (Click Segment 2 and you have your choice whether to listen streaming MP3 right now or right click to download to your player.)

Gig number two on January 30 was on the Michael Dresser Show (the intense dude below). You'll find his interview with Gerald, co-hosted with Gary Young, by clicking here. This is the last few minutes of a one-hour segment, and the boychik stuff starts at 35:50 (about two-thirds of the way along the streaming progress bar). What does a boychik have to do with a painted bird?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Who *Are* Those Guys?

Here I am with co-host Helen Jupiter after our blogging seminar, sponsored by the Independent Writers of Southern California (IWOSC) .

Notice she also did a nice job on my hair!

Cheers, Gerald "the boychik"

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Moochas Smoochas...

... to everyone who helped make yesterday's IWOSC blogging seminar such a stimulating event. (I'm still buzzing--what is that?)

Big smack to my co-host Helen Jupiter, who blogs, among other places, at Metroblogging Los Angeles, Jewcy, The Jew & the Carrot, Gridskipper, and occasionally has time to drop by her own personal blog. Helen, you're a pro and a delight!

And then there's the rabble in the pit. A talented and good-looking lot. Now officially added to Rollo's fan base are Judy B. David (freelance copywriter and functional literate), Debra Eckerling (writer calling herself the "Coast Bunny"), LouAnn Savage (who told us about Toksee--heads up!), Congressional candidate Steve Blount (46th District, California), caregiver/counselor Michele A. Nuzzo (MidLife Menu), Matt Emmer, and podcaster professionelle Tracy Pattin (Tracilu Productions). Also familiar faces Robin Quinn, Les Boston, John Seeley, Roberta Edgar, Les Boston, Michael Dwyer, and local celebrity and political rabblerouser Georja Umano.

If I left you out, you are posting as Anonymous!

This event was organized by IWOSC Director of Professional Development (and playwright) Gary Young and moderated by the organization's President (and Hollywood publicist) Flo Selfman.

Hey, let's do this again! (Download handouts from the Hot Links menu above. Slideshow highlights running in the right sidebar.)