Monday, July 15, 2013

That office romance

By Jillian Lucas for HowAboutWe

It's incredible and bewildering that now there are so many rules. I recently attended an all-day course given by the company attorney on sexual harassment. You can't say she has nice hair or she smells good. Go straight to jail! Here are some rules, and I didn't dream them up. It's the kind of thing the mass-media blogs do between hard-news stories. Make up rules. Rollo never thought of this when he said yes to Vivi when she so generously gave him an opening.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Rumors of Tucker Max's Retirement Greatly Overstated

Photo credit: Dimitri Vervitsiotis/Getty (on Daily Beast)
According to Rachel Kramer Bussel in her Daily Beast blog, there's a new genre emerging. Shall we call it gray lit? Main requirement, you have to be able to read above tenth-grade level, which automatically deselects a large portion of the younger population. A further consideration, of course, is whether you are able to read safely with corrective lenses. Kindle and iPad versions might not be as popular with this demographic as retro paper, at least not until the public libraries join the 21st century and actually start loaning them out for free.