Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Boychik lit = hipper fratire

In the boychik-lit story…

  • The male main character is looking for sex and is bewildered by emotional entanglements.
  • He is a slacker and a hacker (a shlacker). He is clever and resourceful but chronically lazy.
  • He’s a dropout who can’t hold a steady job.
  • Far from being the hero with a single tragic flaw, the boychik is riddled with worrisome flaws, with one or two possibly redeeming qualities.
  • The tone is observational and witty, sometimes sarcastic.
  • The boychik tells his story in a confessional, first-person narrative.
  • At the end of the novel, the hero has almost managed to undo the complicated mess he’s made in the course of the story and thinks he has learned important lessons, which may or may not be valid.

Examples? I just happen to know of a new one...


Bohdan Szuprowicz said...

What is unique, controversial and fascinating about this book?


daboychik said...

My Inflatable Friend is about identity -- borrowing one, stealing one or two, and finding your own. It's perhaps unique among recent entries in the genre because it values wit as much as gags and assumes that reading above a tenth-grade level isn't asking too much. It may be controversial because it loves the unlovable Rollo. And it's apt to be fascinating to anyone who appreciates the work of Peter De Vries for other qualities besides his humor. Thanks for asking!

Dave said...

The bio on Gerald Everett Jones' Amazon Blog is is terrific and answers the question "Why consider this book". The author has an interesting background and that sets the stage.

Perhaps you can offer the same bio on this blog?

This is a book where if I could look at a few sample pages might help me see what "fratire" is in your hands.

George, you not taking to your self:)

I like your business site!

Dave Mainwaring

daboychik said...

Hey Dave,

Interesting multi-blog crosschat here, and that's a new one on me!

Good suggesh. I had intended to post an excerpt on the press info page at, and when I do, I'll post the link here.

I should also be able to publish the e-book version in advance of the hardcover release date. Hey, those early adopters deserve it!!!