Sunday, March 11, 2018

GP403 - Breaking Into Print - With Guests Gary Young (IWOSC) and Mark Coker (Smashwords)

Our guests are Gary Young, president of the Independent Writers of Southern California ( and Mark Coker, CEO of Smashwords (

We talk with Gary about why writers might seek the company of their peers in writers' organizations, the how and why of book proposals, and how to get started in self-publishing. Gary's book on bereavement and recovery is Loss and Found.

Mark calls in to help us understand the trends in ebook publishing. His company Smashwords is the fastest-growing ebook publisher, providing access to not only Amazon Kindle but various channels for EPUB (public format) distribution worldwide.

Gerald concludes with a story about how he published his father's memoir Searching for Jonah in hardcover in time for the author's last birthday.

Check out this episode!

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