Thursday, July 19, 2018

GP50X1 - Writers Guild-Kenya Special Presentation

In this SPECIAL EPISODE, our host Gerald Everett Jones and his wife, actress and animal advocate Georja Umano, were invited as guest speakers to a meeting of the Writers Guild-Kenya. This release includes Gerald's remarks on how podcasting can fit into an overall strategy of career development, personal development, and social-media promotion for authors and editors.

Our Kenyan listeners should know that, although we promote the support services of, the Mentors of the Writers Guild-Kenya also provide editorial and publishing services to the group's members.

In this episode, Gerald mentions and as resources for screenwriters and filmmakers. Although GetPublished! Radio is not affiliated with either site, we do recommend them enthusiastically. #amwriting #selfpub #podcast

With this podcast, we are extending our heartfelt wishes for a speedy recovery to WGK founding member Gabriel Dinda, who is recovering well from a highway accident that prevented his attendance at the meeting.

Check out this episode!

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